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Which Medical Professionals Can Perform Botox And Dermal Filler Procedures?

October 14th, 2015

Which Medical Professionals Can Perform Botox And Dermal Filler Procedures?

The popularity of BOTOX® injections as a way to reverse aging signs and maintain a youthful appearance cannot be disputed. For this reason, lots of medical professionals across the country are looking to add these services to their clinics or practices to cash in on the demand. However, every state has its own laws and regulations concerning who can administer BOTOX® and dermal filler procedures. Below we’ll discuss some of the different types of medical professionals and whether they are allowed to perform these aesthetic procedures or not.


Medical doctors are eligible to give BOTOX® and dermal filler procedures provided they undergo a certified and updated training course.


Nurse practitioners are generally qualified to administer BOTOX® and dermal filers provided they enroll in a certified foundational course. If you’re a nursing practitioner looking to break into the aesthetic industry and make a success of it, make sure to choose the top training program in your location. Of course, if you live in or near the Boston area, look no further than Aesthetic Mentor in Waltham.


If you’re a dentist looking for ways to boost revenues in your practice, consider including cosmetic BOTOX® injections and/or dermal fillers as part of your services. However, you must check your state rules to find out whether you are allowed to perform these injections. Only train to give BOTOX® and dermal filler injections once you’re certain your state allows you to administer such procedures.


Physician assistants can also perform BOTOX® and dermal filler procedures. However, you must check your state Board rules to find out whether you are allowed to perform these injections. Only train to give BOTOX® and dermal filler injections once you’re certain your state allows you to administer such procedures. If you’re a physician assistant, feel free to contact us at Aesthetic Mentor to learn more about the courses we offer.


Of course, medical professionals looking to be certified as BOTOX® and dermal filler injectors must check their state rules and regulations. But again, for those in the Boston area, get in touch with us at Aesthetic Mentor in Waltham. Contact us today to book an appointment.